Tax Resolution / Tax Relief Company Closures 2001-2024 by Region:
Southern California: 74 Closures - 52% of the list.
Florida: 14 Closures
Colorado: 13 Closures
Texas: 10 Closures
Bay Area CA: 5 Closures
Seattle Area: 3 Closures
New York: 5
New Jersey: 1
Montana 1
Nevada: 1
S. Carolina: 1
N. Carolina: 1
2. Capitol Tax Relief - Los Angeles - Closed early 2004. The company was sold before they closed. Their previous owner Bruce Mayberry or Tony Cannon created a website for do it yourselfers: (dead link).
3. Traveler's Tax Group - Los Angeles - This business hasn't operated in tax resolution since 2006. More on their whereabouts here : Traveler's Tax -- Where are they Now?
4. Tax Relief Network, San Diego, CA , Closed 2007 This company also ran a business called "Debt Relief Network"
5. United States Tax Relief Agency, Seal Beach, CA CLOSED IN 2007
We were late to the game reporting on the closure of this company. This company was started by an individual named Michael David Gill who also has alias "Michael Alexander, Michael Davis and Michael D. Jackson." Mr. Gill later started a company Federal Tax Relief Commission-FTRC (see below) and ran that company into the ground below in 2013. This guy should be banned from tax resolution period. More on him below in FTRC's obituary below. Also: apparently the IRS suspended their Enrolled Agent Richard Hargus for non performance for clients: IRS suspends Tax Practitioner BBB record shows company is closed: BBB Record - USTRA
6. Strategic Tax Resolutions- San Diego - Closed Fall 2008. This company also went by Strategic Tax Relief (we think). They grew very fast and then completely sank into oblivion. We have sources that say it was due to "overmanagement" - a bunch of managers abusing/misusing their owner's money. A source also says in desperate need of revenue at the end of their existence: they simultaneously ran all of their client's credit cards who owed them money. How they explained that to the clients would have been black comedy. Truly shocking. Glad that that bad karma caught up with them.
7. Esquire Tax Relief, Riverside, CA, Closed 2008.
This link does NOT work. We think this company is dead. The BBB record: BBB record Sayonara Esquire...
CLOSED IN 2009 - four companies closed
8. Effectur - North Carolina Closed 2009. Our story here: Effectur Story.
9. Tax Care Professionals, Los Angeles, CA, Founded 2004 to Closed 2009. Pretty common stories of a L.A. tax resolution company are posted here Trust Link - Reviews. We think this company started US Tax Shield who are still running. More on that connection here: Tax Care - US Tax Shield connection
10. Federal and State Tax Negotiators, Renton, WA, Closed 2009
These guys were "neighbors" to us for several years. Here's the remnants of their BBB record: FSTN BBB record. They also (we think) started the company Safe Tax Help in 2009? But in 2013 - they also don't seem to be open any longer - website ( is down and phone doesn't go anywhere? final BBB record.
11. Tax Relief ASAP, Orange, CA, Closed 2009
Their BBB record tells the tale (apparently they were in mortgage business as well?):Tax Relief ASAP - BBB record - FTC issues
CLOSED IN 2010 - 7 companies closed
12. Summit Tax Resolution, Boulder, CO. Closed 2010. According to the BBB, the owner, Andrew Hardy, was arrested for drug dealing and the company closed in April 2010! BBB record and story. Holy cow. Summit is one of the numerous tax resolution companies in Colorado with roots in Omni Financial (including Clear Creek Tax Consulting, 20/20 and Mackinaw Tax Consulting) that use cold calling tax liens as a central form of marketing.
13. American Tax Relief - Los Angeles, founded April 1999 - Closed October 2010. BBB -- American Tax Relief This is the largest tax resolution company ever to be shut down by government authorities. See here: FTC shutting down American Tax Relief. UPDATE, July 2011: Judge in Illinois agrees to move case to California against FTC's wishes: Case Moving to California. If you were a client of theirs -- here is the official Receivership page: There are ex American Tax Relief salespeople throughout the tax resolution industry in Southern California. AND FINALLY: January 2013: Owners settle with FTC for $15 million: $15 million settlement with FTC
14. Advantage Tax Resolution, Inc., Beverly Hills, CA, founded Jan. 2006 - closed 2010 According to client we spoke to on Sept. 15, 2010, these guys are out of business. The 55 unanswered complaints at the BBB were a clue as to why. Their F rated BBB record...Let's hope that they aren't using the following record at the BBB as a new BBB record! New BBB record for Advantage?
15. Guaranteed Tax Relief, Summerlin, NV, Closed 2010. Looks like ex-employees are unhappy as well with their closure -- Complaints Board - link -- Employees Unpaid $150,000
16. Innovative Tax Relief - Los Angeles, founded June 2004 - closed 2010, -- Innovative was shut down and morphed into Progressive Tax Group - BBB record and shocker - that company closed too! The BBB records show the same owner: James Phan. Progressive and Innovative have finally morphed into Tax Group Center already a C rated company at the BBB. Come on people.
17. Citizen's Tax Relief, Los Angeles (but New Canaan, CT BBB Address). Founded 2006 and closed 2010. F rated - BBB record Lists address in Connecticut but has LA phone #'s (310 area code). 11 of their complaints are flagged as "serious complaints?!"
18. Tax Resolution Specialists, Irvine, CA, Founded 1993 - Closed 2010
BBB record says company closed: BBB record
CLOSED IN 2011 - 10 companies closed
19. Nationwide Tax Relief - Los Angeles, Open 2003, Closed 2011.
According to our research -- Nationwide Tax Relief closed? -- these guys shut their doors. They were founded by Richard Boggs, an ex-American Tax Relief employee - not the best pedigree for a tax resolution person (they are also closed - see above).
20. National Tax Relief, Tustin, CA , December 2005 to 2011.
Please realize that this F rated company is NOT the "National Tax Relief" which our company, Washington Tax Services, also markets itself as: (and yes, that is a cheezy web-site that we created about 15 years ago that we do NOT receive much traffic from). NTR's Final BBB record: BBB - National Tax Relief, Tustin, CA
21. Preferred Tax Relief, San Diego, CA , OPENED 2007 , CLOSED MAY 2011.
This company closed, and employees were NOT paid for their last month. They were escorted out of the building. An Enrolled Agent there indicated to me via email that the owners of Preferred - Craig Raidor Dahl and Clint Santiago Dahl were looking to start a new company called Advanced Solutions Group. Most companies that are on our NOT RECOMMENDED list seem to reach this fate. Just got off phone with a customer that paid them $8700 in March - just two months ago -- and now they are done.
22. Roni Deutch Sacramento, CA, Open 1998 and closed in MAY 2011
Roni felt like the victim of the Attorney General here: Roni Deutch closure. At one time they had some strengths and seemed to have a handle on customer service; but after they tried to enter the Tax preparation game and compete with H & R, things started to go downhill. We wrote many articles about them before they folded: Deutch -- Advertising Heavily on Net . Roni Deutch -- Attorney General in California -- Wow! Assets Frozen.
23. United Tax Relief, Canoga Park CA, 2000 to SEPTEMBER 2011
Not to be confused with United Tax Relief of Jacksonville, Florida, this outfit in California has a disconnected phone number and appears to be out of business. More on this situation here: United Tax Relief closed Actually as of 2013 - United Tax Relief in Jacksonville, Florida was closed too - see below!
24. USA Tax Professionals, Dallas TX, CLOSED 2011
Was alerted to this business when some one googled the blog and indicated that they had been ripped off by them. The company which was started in 2008 is closed according to the BBB record: BBB record
25. Professional Tax Care, Los Angeles, CA CLOSED 2011
A Professional Tax Care client called us in November 2011. The phone # at their F rated BBB web page: BBB record now goes to a telemarketing center called the "Tax Help Center." It appears that some other company bought their phone #? We got a receptionist who had to put me on hold. She had to ask someone what to do with a "Professional Tax Care" client. They also stopped paying for their website apparently:
26. J.K. Harris and Associates - founded 1997- CLOSED December 2011 South Carolina - main office with franchises ONCE all around the country. We never thought we'd see the day. But the class action lawsuit/judgement and other attorney general fines pushed them over. Loser in massive class action lawsuit: JK Harris - Info on Lawsuits. Sued in many states by Attorney Generals. Other issues in Florida: JK Harris Under Scrutiny in Florida. Here's their last BBB record: JK Harris - BBB record A story of someone who hired them here: JK Harris -- Federal Way office story. Earlier in 2011-- Ordered by Texas AG to refund money to clients: From Houston Chronicle
We hope that JK's demise does shed light on the fact that you have to have GOOD CUSTOMER SERVICE to back up your high volume of customers. The HIGH VOLUME MODEL eventually collapses without LOVE FOR YOUR CUSTOMER!
27. Associated Tax Relief, Los Angeles, CA 2006 - CLOSED 2011
Judging from complaints that we have read, these were some really really bad guys. Take a look HERE. Interesting that they were located on the SAME street as also now deceased American Tax Relief: Wilshire Boulevard. Los Angeles has had some really bad experiments in the form of tax resolution. Fiual BBB: BBB record. You can still see their pathetic videos/TV ads with a few clicks on You Tube. Glad to see that they are gone.
28. 411 Tax Relief, Culver City, CA 1998 to 2011
Another Los Angeles area company whose phone lines are dead. It looks like the "easy money" in tax resolution is going away folks. The scams and questionable operations can't compete as the market has saturated. On another note, 411 Tax Relief was in existence almost as long as JK Harris albeit -- a much smaller operation. Their final BBB record: 411 Tax Relief
29. Power Tax Relief, Los Angeles, CA 2005 to 2011
This company started by an ex-American Tax Relief employee - Joe Benfatti - stopped answering BBB complaints in the summer of 2011. A total of 20 unanswered complaints at the BBB had piled up between 2011 to 2012: BBB record. We had these guys on the Not Recommended list for a long time. Since 2009, Benfatti is affiliated with Tax Relief Systems
CLOSED IN 2012 - 12 companies closed
30. U.S. Tax Liberty, Newport Beach, Ca, May 16, 2011 to 2012.
This company was the definition of a fly-by-night tax resolution company. Wow! Looks like they were in business for less than a year?! This link is now busted: Website. Their BBB record is F as in forever dead: BBB
31. Phoenix Tax Solutions, Houston, TX 2011 to 2012.
This company is already out of business as of 2012. This link is busted: Kind of makes sense: the business owner called us when he saw this list and screamed: "get me off the list!" :) Not very nice dude.
32. Taxmasters, Houston, TX 2003 thru 2012
Taxmasters closes - $25 million in financing was an illusion
It's amazing Taxmasters lasted nine years in the business. These guys epitomized everything bad about the tax resolution industry: way more salespeople than customer service people on staff, lies and distortions to potential customers, overcharging of fees and a greedy immoral owner, Patrick Cox. But they did leave one fun legacy: SNL Parody. The bearded guy in the Taxmaster's commercials was Patrick Cox. Cable TV watchers will never forget him. We're glad they're gone. Maybe they're the last big and bad company that tries to do tax representation. They join the other big three in the graveyard: American Tax Relief, JK Harris, Roni Deutch. Good riddance.
There once was a tumblr account on the misdeeds of Taxmaster's Patrick Cox. It showed photographs of one of Mr. Cox's hunting trips to South America. In the photograph, Patrick and his cohorts had spread out the dozens of bird corpses they killed and had it spell "U.S.A." That image really evoked Mr. Cox's inner core.
Final words after their $195 million judgement placed against them in 2012: Finally: Taxmasters nailed with $195 million judgement
33. Tax Incorporated, Los Angeles, 2002 thru 2012
Tax Inc. was operating for about a decade in Los Angeles. Their F rating at the BBB was kind of a clue that they weren't much long for this world: BBB record. We understand however that they did/do have an outlet for their orphaned clients and if you call their number you will be forwarded to someone to take care of you. That's a good thing.
On a darker note: we got a first hand account from somebody that worked at Tax Incorporated: sales people frequently pretended that they were "attorneys" at Tax, Inc., and often scared people who didn't hire them - that they would report them to the IRS. Pretty distasteful stuff. We also know that the company was investigated by the IRS - Criminal Division for altering their Power of Attorneys as their licensed tax professionals -- had a serious turnover problem and required the updating of names. All around really bad stuff. Are you surprised they're out of business? One of their owners - Justin Urbas - did start over with: Blue Tax and another owner started: both companies seem to have good BBB records.
34. Summit Tax Relief - Thousand Oaks, California 2011 - 2012
Wow these guys didn't make it a year. They never established a BBB record. Apparently their owner Scott Curley was arrested on drug charges. Now wait -- look up on this list. A company in Colorado by the same name: Summit Tax -- also had an owner imprisoned on drug charges and...the company closed. Truth is stranger than fiction folks.
35. Tax Network USA, Los Angeles, CA Founded 2010, Closed August 2012
2010 to 2012 -- what a short lifespan! Apparently they have reopened as Tax Problem Center? Most F rated BBB companies end up on this list. We haven't been able to identify Tax Problem Center's website. Tax Network USA site was/is: Their final BBB record: BBB record The GOOD NEWS is if you were a client of Tax Network USA, you can contact Authority Tax Services as they have taken over the company. Contact them! (And apparently quickly as Authority Tax's reputation is tanking and maybe the company too!)
36. National Tax Solutions, San Francisco, CA , November 2010 thru 2012
Wow this company didn't last very long! What a scam. Phone calls to 1-888-665-7771 indicate that you can leave a message to get your "file?" The company's BBB record had plummeted to F rating: BBB record Website: There is another company called National Tax - based in the San Francisco area that sends out mailings that it appears to send out mailings to people with tax liens: "Tax Processing Center" but they are open as of September 2012.
37. Ameripride Tax Group, Santa Ana , CA , Founded September 3, 2010 to Closed 2012.
The F rated Better Business record tells you everything you need to know about this company: BBB record We tried their number off of the BBB site. Disconnected. Their high volume of complaints ended in December of 2011. Really disgusting that a company would go bad that fast. Look at their start date. Horrible and disgusting scam. No better way to put it.
38. Tax Help Line, Irvine, CA, Founded August 2009 -- Closed 2012 - last fall???
Another one bites the dust. Phone calls to 877 796 8642 go to busy line as well does 1-800-936-0986. Person we spoke with last heard from them in the fall of 2012. BBB record shows an F rating -- BBB record so no surprises there. This is their rusted out satellite website -- What's with Southern California - it can't be the water?
39. United Tax Relief, Jacksonville, FL Founded December 2008 - Closed April 2012
When your Better Business Bureau record looks like this: BBB record - F rating -- well it is safe to say you won't last long in the tax representation industry. United Tax Relief lasted just about 3 years. Ironically - the same named company - United Tax Relief - ALSO CLOSED in Canoga Park, California. The owners of this company were Zach Pafford and Greg Cosma. Who knows where they are. Phone calls to their phone # 800 - 260 - 3201 were disconnected. And looks like they abandoned their clients - no system was set up to care for them: pretty classy. Anyone have a Power of Attorney for them - so we can identify their tax professionals who should be obligated to continue assisting their clients? Here's our Sept. 2011 narrative on the other United Tax Relief closing: United Tax Relief closed
40. Link and Associates, Long Beach, CA 2008 to 2012
Link and Associates was a smaller tax resolution firm who according to a Google Search - had staff members named - Tim Nelson and Scott Link. They were on our "not-recommended" list for a while which usually is the last stop before they end up on this "Dead List." A recent check of their now somewhat defunct website: and a phone call to 1-877-388-4310 revealed to us that they seemed to be CLOSED in 2013! A press release in 2010 showed they were trying to stir up business: But - obviously - they just couldn't market themselves well enough to survive.
49. Coast 2 Coast Tax Relief, Agoura Hills, CA June 2010 to mid 2012
Didn't hear much about this company in their almost two year run. They were sued for trademark infringement by the reputable and still operating Coast to Coast Tax Service based in Escondido, CA ( a tax preparation outfit with a national audience). After the lawsuit - they filed for bankruptcy. Their last: BCA record. Their now dead website:
CLOSED IN 2013 - 8 companies closed
41. Tax Lifeboat, Scotts Valley, CA May 2010 to 2013
Our understanding is this company is in the process of closing in the Spring of 2013. To Lifeboat's credit they are making sure that their clients are taking care of! Contact them normally and you should find someone to help you if you already paid them. That's a beautiful thing. In retrospect, it is a hard balance to market tax representation services well and provide quality customer service -BOTH. Tax Lifeboat just couldn't strike that delicate balance. If you are the owner of this company and have more info to provide to us...send us an email. Their final website: Their BBB record is here: BBB record
42. Alpha Tax Relief, April 2012 to 2013? , Los Angeles, CA
Our understanding is that this short-lived business is closed. They have four un-responded to complaints at the BBB. They name a David Guaracha as one of the consultants. Nonetheless, our understanding is they folded this company and the sales consultants went to work for US Tax Shield? We hope US Tax takes over their abandoned clients? Isn't that the right thing to do? Their barely working last website is here: Their BBB record is HERE
43. Federal Tax Relief Commission, FTRC, 2012 TO 2013 , Los Angeles Area.
POST-MORTEM ANALYSIS: This company was started by Michael David Gill who went under the alias: "Michael Davis," Tyler Troxell, and had an Enrolled Agent associated with the company named: Ryan Born. Like United States Tax Relief Agency (see above) which was closed or shut down in 2007 - read above, Mr. Gill also abandoned his clients with Federal Tax Relief Commission. Hello - IRS Office of Professional Responsibility - can somebody get this guy banned from the tax resolution business? After about 12 months of business, these guys closed down. Mr. Born - as a licensed tax professional - has an obligation to his abandoned clients - and might be disbarred if he disappears...or we will see to it - that a case is made against him at IRS - Office of Professional Responsibility. The previous Enrolled Agent - Mr. Hargus - with US Tax Relief Agency (read above) was disbarred by the IRS.
Michael David Gill or Michael Davis's phone number at 562 858 1190 - according to our sources if you were a customer of theirs. You might want to try? Tyler Troxell who was also associated with FTRC was based in Colorado - we believe (cold calling tax liens is Colorado's contribution to the tax resolution game). His number is: (303)359-1171
Our understanding is that FTRC cold called tax liens. They NEVER and we mean NEVER had a Better Business Listing. Their website said they were all over the USA: a big lie. They were based out of Southern California. They had mailers or other info that said they were on Pennysylvania Avenue in Washington DC.
The short lifespan of FTRC explains everything that is wrong aboutmany in the "tax resolution" industry: no morals and utter greed. Is it a shock that FTRC was in Los Angeles? Which has now tallied at least 80% of the closures documented on this list?
The phone number they listed on their website was: 1-800-975-9450.
A discerning customer wouldn't have touched FTRC with a ten foot pole.
They had no Better Business Bureau listing.
Their now deleted website mentioned cities all around the country.
They gave some clients the impression that they were in Washington DC.
The lesson of FTRC? Don't hire a company that doesn't have a clearly marked location and who doesn't have a BBB record. Furthermore, as Michael David Gill probably realizes with his two defunct tax resolution companies: the "sales" part of the game is the fun/easy part: delivering good service to your customers requires experience, patience and funds for good staff to handle the tax case.
44. Power Tax Care, Burbank, CA , Sept 2011 to 2013
Their website is still up...but try the numbers - they don't work: The company has 4 unanswered complaints at the BBB: Final BBB record - Power Tax Care. Power Tax Care called themselves the "Most Trusted Name in Tax Relief." Do words mean anything anymore? Have empty sales and marketing pitches robbed words of their sacred and original meanings?
45. Titan Tax Relief, Carlsbad, CA, June 2008 - 2013(?)
The BBB verifies their closure: Final BBB record. We had these guys off and on this list for a couple of years. There was nothing unique about them. Heavy on closers , poor in marketing, poor in service. The usual. They had 18 complaints at the end of their shindig.
46. Ameristar Tax Centers, Johnstown, PA/ Louisville, KY, June 2010 to 2013.
Our understanding is that Ameristar Tax Center - what became a very big company - has closed its doors in the tax resolution industry and moved back into mortgages where they got their start. This company had a national presence. We spoke with a tax professional who subcontracted with them a couple of years ago and he had indicated that the service quality was POOR. Nonetheless - that was a pretty short run. Their Website. We can't see a company this size - abandoning their customers - so one can assume that they have an infrastructure to serve old customers of the company? But we could be wrong? Their final C rated BBB record: BBB record
47. United Tax Group, Florida, December 17, 2010 to late 2013. Apparently - United Tax got entangled in a lawsuit - the judgement placed against them was too high to pay so the company is dissolving. BBB record: BBB listing Their website: United Tax Group (That makes United Tax Group and both United Tax Reliefs of Florida and California now out of business). Furthermore our understanding is that the clients of their firm are going to be handled by another company - Tax Help MD - also based in Florida.
48. Pacific NW Financial Solutions, Seattle, WA , December 2008 - 2013?
This small tax resolution company is the first on this Dead list to be staffed by ex-WATAX employees. David Dearing, Enrolled Agent, or Phil Marbett were the owners. Their BBB rating - "F" - rating - tells the tale: BBB rating Gee whiz guys.
CLOSED IN 2014 - (15 closures)
50. Limon Whitaker and Morgan Tax Advisors, Beverly Hills, CA, Feb. 2008 to 2014.
Limon Whitaker is closed -- we could be wrong - but website is dead-- -- and phone # is also dead too: 888-858-8933.
Our final blurb on them when they were still alive:
"These guys send out a very clever mailing to people with tax liens. It looks like a notice from the IRS. It says "IRS WAGE GARNISHMENT PENDING. This is your Final notice ... we must admit: effective advertising. On a separate note, I am always skeptical when I look on a company's web page under "About Us" and there is no information about the NAMES of their tax professionals: Enrolled Agent, CPA or Attorneys. See for yourself here: Limon Whitaker Web Site . Their BBB record : BBB record I will say I did hear of an odd Limon Whitaker sales person saying the following -- Read Here On another occasion I did speak to an individual in Pennysylvania that hired them. He indicated on two separate occasions that they attempted to run payments that he did not authorize against his bank account. That's never good to hear."
51. American Taxpayer Advocates, 2006 to 2014, Colorado
This is a rare obituary on this page. ATA left the business in good standing! The owner just wanted to explore another career path. Good for him! ATA was owned by Enrolled Agent Shannon Gass who has been an Enrolled Agent since 2003. Their final A plus rated BBB record is here: BBB record
Good luck Shannon in your next gig!
52. Certified Tax, Inc. - Los Angeles, CA - Group, Los Angeles, CA, 2013 death?
We don't know these guy's start date but they were a company started by Lisa Wong - Their complaint history is here:
Their website is gone. Do note these guys were not: Certified Tax Group in Westlake Village, CA - they are legit and still open.
We understand that while Certified Tax is no more - they might have created a new company: Tax Representation, Inc.: located in Gardena, CA?
53. SLS Financial Solutions, Loveland, Colorado, July 2009 to 2014
Website is down. Phone goes nowhere - these folks look closed as of 2014. Our last blurb on them:
"TAX LIEN CALLER SLS Financial is one of many companies in Colorado that markets itself by calling people with tax liens. But I think these guys are decently run. I have exchanged emailed with Lindsay Tilley-Suarez who is one of their tax attorneys (she has a LLM in taxation!). I think they are sincere in their dedication to good customer service and seem to be in this for the long haul. Their website is here: And here's their BBB record. LICENSED TAX PROFESSIONAL LISTED."
54. Consumer Tax Relief, Newport Beach, CA 2008 to 2014
We stand to be corrected on this - BUT judging from their BBB complaints -- read them here -- BBB listing and phone numbers that don't seem to work (or go direct to voicemail), we think it is safe to say that Consumer Tax Relief is closed. There was a surge of complaints in May and June 2014 - that seem to correlate with the idea of them being closed. We had them on the NOT RECOMMENDED LIST for a while. They did have a lot of complaints - yet maintained an "A" Rating at the BBB. Really nothing unique here for a Southern California tax resolution company. Customers of Consumer Tax ? Their website: Send us an email at EMAIL if you want some guidance on what to do.
55. Tax Cuts Center, Mission Viejo, CA 2012 to 2014(?)
Website is dust (, phone #'s disconnected, pretty short-lived operation: final BBB record: Final BBB Very good chance these guys were associated with many of the other dead companies in this list above. Southern California is the graveyard of tax resolution companies. Period.
58. Tax DRX, NY, NJ or Orlando, FL 2009 to 2014?
Website is dust. BBB record says they're shut down. BBB record
In all honesty, I don't know if this company ever truly operated.
59. LH Financial Resolution, San Francisco, March 2012 to 2014
This pathetic company racked up an F rating at the BBB in only two years. Their responses to their complaints at the BBB are just sad. Their deceptive website listing TV channels was a sign of it Phone calls to the company were disconnected. BBB: F rated (!) BBB record
60. Tax Help Associates or, Seattle or Whoknowswhereville, WA,
Just stumbled upon their website: Is it possible for a lead generator to go out of business? Well in the case of this page - phone #'s go to "vacation lines" and "real estate offices" - pathetic. Maybe they still distribute emails as "leads" from the rare person that finds this site?
61. Omega Tax Resolution, Denver, CO 2011 to ?
Their BBB record tells the tale - phone disconnected. Coming from Colorado - they were probably a tax lien cold-caller. Pretty short life.
62. Iconic Tax Solutions - Houston, TX - 2012 to 2014?
BBB rating is F . Website is down: Phone is disconnected: 1-800-481-0483.
63. K & K Tax Group, Miami, FL 2008 to ?
This company - also called Miami Tax Relief (?)...never seemed to have taken off. Their BBB record is dormant and phone numbers don't work at their site.
64. Authority Tax Services, LLC or formerly Tax Network USA or Pinnacle Tax & Financial - Jan. 2011 to 2014 Irvine, CA or Los Angeles, CA offices
OK - Yelp might have pegged Authority better than anyone: One Star Average Review - Authority Tax Services - Yelp. It also gives one the impression that these guys are closed? Furthermore, Authority Tax Services has 64 unanswered complaints at the BBB. That egregious lack of response is usually an indication of a company that has closed.
We called the customer service line for Authority via their website: Authority Website. People their answer as "Tax Problem Center." They indicate they are a "call center." When I asked them are they serving the old customers of Authority Tax Services, they said "NO." The morally foul owners of Authority Tax Services also took over Tax Network USA and Pinnacle Tax and Financial Service a few years back - both companies that had garbage BBB records in their last days. Hello Attorney General of California? Who is the immoral and unethical principal behind this chain of terrible companies? We would wager it was an ex-employee of American Tax Relief.
Both Tax Network USA and Pinnacle were once F rated companies at the BBB before they folded: Tax Network USA BBB/BCA Rating and Pinnacle Tax and Financial Service's F Rating at the BBB so let's hope that Authority improves dramatically on those ratings).
Good riddance to Authority Tax. A "Michael Hernandez" appears to have his fingerprints on these companies. Can somebody like the FTC ban him from starting tax resolution companies? Please? Amber Saenz is also an individual listed on Authority's BBB record above.
CLOSED IN 2015 - 12 closed
65. Priority Tax Group, Irvine, CA and El Monte CA, Jan 2004 to 2015?
It looks like another So Cal / Orange County tax relief company is dust. But their BBB record is A + ? BBB record. Their website: Priority Tax Group Nobody answers their phone: 1-800-829-3743. According to the BBB - this company is owned by Bich Dinh Nguyen. IMPORTANT: Priority Tax Group is NOT Priority Tax Relief - a legitimate firm in San Francisco.
66. Tax Monkey, May 2012, Newport Beach, CA - Closed ?
DORMANT or CLOSED COMPANY - In late 2014, their website is inactive - in mid 2015 it is still inactive: Their BBB record rates a C plus: BBB record. WE called their customer service line: (800) 838-6665 and went to voicemail. It would not be shocking that this company doesn't exist the next time we check?! They might not even exist now!
67. DORMANT/DEAD SITE Rocket Tax Relief, 2010. OK: it's almost 2015 and we're looking at which really is just a rusted out hulk of a website which once had the purpose of being a review site for tax resolution companies. I guess they are still paying the host fees. This site has obvious misspellings and seems to be frozen in time in 2010. It was a good idea - I guess. Time to turn it off, folks! Their companion site is also frozen in time - old companies - useless. A good concept but sometimes follow-thru is everything in life.
68. Consumer Tax Reports, 2012 DORMANT/DEAD SITE.
They say imitation is the highest form of flattery and clearly or which were created in 2012 were conceived by someone who has read our blog.
69. DORMANT/DEAD SITE -- The Tax Relief Company or, 2013
Yet another imitator of the blog like Consumer Tax Reports and this blog - to an extent. This site seems to have been created by Optima Tax Relief above - a company who started in 2012. But in 2014 - this site looks pretty dormant and dead. Nice try guys.
70. Tax Remedy Consulting, Broomfield, Colorado, May 2014 - June 2015
Can you say crash and burn? Website is dead. BBB record is a F - nice quick scam guys. And from another company in Broomfield - holy cow - do Omni and 20/20 have "non-compete" contracts? BBB record. The dead website:
71. Nationwide Tax Group, Parkland or Boca Raton, Florida, Feb. 2009 to Fall 2015?.
Their website: links to their BBB record. which has now plummeted to F rating - see below. Four unresponded to complaints, both phone #'s hit the busy signal (800) 632-1750). All signs are this company is closed. "There's no there...there. No licensed tax professional is listed. However, their website has lots of pictures of people in business attire."
72. New Life Tax Relief, February 2012 to 2015(?), Los Angeles, CA
In late 2014, their website is DEAD: Website. Their BBB record - did they move to Central California? We called 1-800-935-6762 and it isn't working.
73. Loyal Tax Group, Los Angeles, CA 2010 to 2015(?), Los Angeles, CA
Phone # on facebook page is disconnected: Facebook page Website is down too: These were small potatoes. Started by CPA? Nothing much left.
74. Guardian Tax Resolutions, Cerrito, CA 2009 to 2015(?),
Website is dead: Facebook page is laughable Never sure this company was a marketing phenomenon solely or a real staff of licensed tax professionals.
75. Tax Negotiation Center, Citrus Heights, CA 2009 to 2015
These guys look pretty done. Phone numbers don't work and BBB complaint not responded to: BBB record and
76. National Tax Solutions, San Francisco, CA , December, 2010 to 2015.
Their BBB record is dead: BBB record Both of their websites are dead: . National Tax Corp. and Pretty short lived - not too shocking as they were on our bad list for a while.
Closed in 2016 - 9 companies
77. Safe Harbor Financial -- Chicago, 2009 to 2016
This TAX LIEN "cold-CALLER" with a dead website appears to be "out of business" according to BBB record. More on the Cold calling phenomenon here: Cold Calling Tax liens
78. First Class Tax Relief or Gator Tax Relief, Houston, TX, May 2011 to 2016
As per their BBB Record., these folks are closed. Quite possibly this company, whose marketing was based on sending "tax lien" letters, just couldn't sustain enough clients that way. Their website:
79. Tax Tribute, Gresham, OR, March 2014 - 2016
Website is done: Phone # at the BBB is disconnected: BBB record. Good luck folks.
80. Monarch Tax Solutions or Monarch Financial, Vero Beach, FL, April 2012 - 2016 TAX LIEN CALLER BBB record shows negative activity: BBB record. Website and phone number disconnected/down:
81. Advocate Tax Solutions, Inc. October, 2010 - 2016, Schiller Park , Illinois. TAX LIEN MAILER BBB record has vanished. And their website is done:
82. True Tax Solutions, Pasadena, CA, December 2010 - 2016
Website is down: BBB complaints few and not very inspiring Their "non-accredited" BBB record. Can anyone tell us they're not closed?
83. NTC Financial, LLC or National Tax Consultants, West Palm Beach, FL, November 2012 to 2016 TAX LIEN CALLER
Like many of the companies on this Dead list, NTC Financial was on our "Not Recommended list" before closing. BBB record previously showed they lost accreditation - now a dormant record : Their BBB record. Website gone:
84. Ultimate Tax Defenders or Ultimate Tax Group, Los Angeles, CA 2014 to 2016
Phone calls unanswered from the BBB record: BBB rating. Website is down: We understand that they advertised on radio. Wow - two years is a short stint in this business.
85. Tax Results, Clinton Township, MI, June 2010 - 2016
Looks like these guys aren't responding to the BBB complaints and their website is dead - but getting a F rating at the BBB after being in business for less than three years is not a very good sign: BBB record. Kind of hard to survive from these: Yelp Reviews. Their dead website:
Closed in 2017 - 9 companies
86. Impact Tax Resolution, Thornton, Colorado, BBB record started July 2010 - 2017 BBB record indicates un-responded to complaints: Their "non-accredited" BBB record. And their website is down (?): Looks closed to us.
87 . Reliance Tax Group, Yulee, FL 2015 to 2017
Reliance's website is down?: Website. In June 2015, Reliance Tax Group did offer someone who was being "audited" by the IRS for tax year 2013 - increasing his liability to the IRS - 10k - representation services for $2500.00. Washington Tax Svcs., our company, offered to amend his return which should mostly fix the issue for $575.00. As of June 2015 - Reliance still did NOT have a BBB listing and NOW in 2017 their dead apparently: Northeast Florida BBB search
88. Guidance Tax Relief, Beverly Hills, CA, December 2009 to 2016(?)
Their website is down. They were part of the tax lien mailer phenomenon which took a big hit when IRS tax lien filings dropped. BBB record shows a phone number but no answer: Their "non-accredited" BBB record. You can also read MORE about the Tax Lien Mailing Phenomenon -- HERE.
89. Zip Tax, Irvine, California , October 2012 to 2017?
When existing, they cold-called folks with tax liens. You have to wonder if any of the reviews at Trust Pilot are actually real: Trust Link: Zip Tax? The BBB record shows they are closed: BBB record. Their website is down:
90. Nationwide Tax Resolution, Tustin/Orange, CA, October 2014 - 2017?
Here's how we found out: Company closed - BBB record. Phone # on their website goes straight to voicemail:
91., July 2015 , Orange County, CA (?) LIVE TAX LIEN -DOOR KNOCKERS.
This website is down. This seems like a short term phenomenon. These folks were the rare people who actually knocked on the doors of people with tax liens! That requires some serious gumption. These folks were situated in Las Vegas, NV. But a client informed us about it was in Orange County, California. Interesting.
92. JL Tax Group, Vero Beach, Florida , 2013 - 2017 (?) -- TAX LIEN MAILER
This company founded by Enrolled agents obviously failed to capitalize on mailing to tax liens. Their website is dead: Their BBB record indicates unresponsiveness to a complaint.
93. Dartmouth Financial Group, Westminster, CO 2014 - 2017 - TAX LIEN CALLER
Wow that was a short life for these guys. Run out of tax liens to call? Website is still UP but BBB says their Out of Business: BBB record - Out of Business. Looks like DFG Tax who was handling the customer service for Dartmouth is also Out of Business now, too: Out of Biz - BBB record.
94.Front Street Tax Resolution, Grand Rapids, Michigan, April 2011 to 2017. TAX LIEN MAILER Their website. Their BBB record says "Out of business."
Closed in 2018 (14 closures)
95. Global Tax Services, Houston, TX, 2011-2018 , TAX LIEN MAILER. Their website. BBB record says business is closed.
96. 911 Tax Relief, Glendale, CA, April 2010 - 2018. Their BBB record is now pretty much unrated and their website is down. Their Yelp reviews were a little on the scary side: Yelp Reviews.
97. Certified Tax Group Westlake Village, CA April 2010-2018 . BBB record has them as non-accredited: BBB record and website is dead: WE called this company - multiple rings and a voicemail on a Tuesday - something doesn't seem right - please tell us if we are wrong. It should be noted that these guys are NOT: A previous company name "Certified Tax, Inc." that is also a dead company.
98 Tax Relief Providers July 2011-2018, Clifton , NJ. Website is still open: They reached F rating recently at their BBB record - complaints haven't been responded to and clients can't get a hold of them. We tried too - phone rings and rings. One poor person paid them $23,000 and now they're gone. Ouch!
99. Vanish Tax Relief, El Segundo, CA, 2015 - 2017 (?). Appropriate name for company that vanished after two years: Dead website. They never had a BBB record. They did get some good Yelp reviews but did fake ones get thru the filter?. With the graveyard of tax resolution companies loaded with Southern Cal outfits, it's just not a big surprise...unfortunately.
100. Tax Help Group, March 2015 to April 2018 ? , Boynton Beach, FL. TAX LIEN CALLER. Phone numbers and website don't work as indicated on their non-rated BBB record. We were kind of shocked when one of their telemarketers or salespeople quoted a $30,000 fee to get a client "Currently Not Collectible," i.e. showing an ability to pay that kind of fee kind of demonstrates that you are "collectible!?" They had said that while these same folks didn't qualify for an Offer in Compromise, they did qualify for the Fresh Start Initiative? Isn't that the same thing? We're confused. Three years later, we know why they were closed. Their website doesn't exist anymore.
101. Clear Creek, Feb 2005 to 2017, Westminster, CO (and South Carolina?). Clear Creek had a long run as a tax lien caller based in the mecca of tax lien calling: Colorado. From time to time, Clear Creek even managed to push the limits of the ultra grade inflating Colorado BBB by getting to C/D once or twice. They had a reputation for charging egregious reopening fees. We knew in later years they tried to turn around that reputation. But recently they called it quits.
102. Achievable Dream Tax Resolution, 2010 to 2018, Westminster, CO - That's two closures in Westminster, CO in a row! Yelp indicates closure: Website is down. WE don't think BBB is on to closure yet.
103. Classic Tax Resolution, Houston, TX 2011 to 2018. WE loved the name. They never got a BBB record. Their website is down.
104. Tax Time Resolution, Lindenhurst, NY 2015 to 2018. Looks like a local practitioner. NO BBB record. Never really got off the ground? website is dead:
105. Horizon Tax Relief, March 2015 - 2018, Irvine, CA. Hmm - another tax relief company in Orange County...BBB record. Website is down? : Horizon Tax Relief. Failure to launch.
106. Monster Tax Relief, El Toro, CA, June 2016 to 2018. TAX LIEN MAILER. One of two tax relief companies to start nationally in year 2016. Considering that the IRS wasn't levying nearly at all between January 2016 to July 2018, it's not a shock that these guys bit the dust (being so dependent on collection's cases). Monster Website. BBB record: Out of Business.
107.Signature Tax Services, Southern California, July 2013 to 2018. Another So-Cal tax relief business bites the dust. Not too shocking. We previously wrote: "Somebody previously employed in the tax relief industry (with US Tax Shield) went "all-in" with their marketing with Signature Tax. Signature's website is: We'd hate to nitpick BUT - were you really seen on CNBC and Fox Business News?" Their Out of Business BBB record.
108. Long Beach, CA, 2011 to 2018. According to BBB, their parent company Two Step is out of business. That's a heckuva of a website name. Do website names still matter? What's your price? LOL
109. Shields Tax Consulting, May 2010 to 2018 Coral Gables, FL. Shields Tax Consulting sent out tax lien mailers. Three complaints in 2018 were not responded to which means they are either closed or don't care about their F rating (likely the former): BBB record. Their website is here: Shields Tax Consulting.
Closed in 2019
110. True Tax Law Group, Sherman Oaks, CA, May 2017 to 2019 Website is down: phone doesn't work and Their "F" rated BBB record puts them in the "closed" category.
111. Tax Mediation Services, July 2015 to 2019, Woodland Hills, CA. BBB record says they are COOKED.. Their website is HERE. Another So Cal tax relief company bites the dust. Not shocking anymore.
112. Tax Representation, Inc., Gardena, CA, July 2014 to 2019. Looks like it's two strikes your out? This is the 2nd company started by Lisa Wong that closed. Certified Tax was the first. ? BBB record states very clearly that they're closed.
113, JAG Tax Financial Services, Newport Beach, CA - Sept. 2013 to 2019 BBB says "Closed". California is the home of the four dead companies in 2019. Not a good sign Cali. Pretty new company.
114. Freedom Tax Relief, San Mateo, CA - March 14, 2005 to 2018 (?).
Website is dead. Looks like this company is in debt relief only. BBB record. Just not enough liens and levies out there.
115. Tax Resolution Center, Boulder, CO, October 25, 2007 to 2019 (?). TAX LIEN CALLER. BBB record shows website is a dead link and phone is disconnected. We have previously posted on whether cold calling tax liens is legal or not here: The Legal Case Against Cold Calling Tax Liens.
116. Cornerstone Tax Resolution, Jacksonville, FL , 2011 thru 2019 (?). Dead website and bunk phone number at their "non-accredited" BBB record.
Closed in 2020
117. Assurance Tax Advisors, Houston, TX , October 27, 2011. Nothing too original here. Website link isn't working. Their BBB record.
118. Nation Star Tax Advisors, LLC, Orlando, FL, October 2012 to 2020?. BBB record: Non-accredited" BBB record. Phone number doesn't work and last BBB complaint is unresolved. Their website doesn't work
119. My Tax Hero, Los Angeles, CA 90065, July 2014 - 2020.
Their BBB record. Website is down and phone is disconnected.
120. Delta Tax Relief, San Diego, CA, November 2016 thru 2020. Their website: is dead. More at the BBB San Diego. This company did not outlive the current folks in the White House.
121. Strategic Tax Lawyers, Santa Monica, CA, August 2011. Their website isn't really happening: No live people answer phone? Not sure if this is a functioning entity? Their BBB record. Probably just a marketing device that wasn't kept alive.
Closed in 2021
122. Tax Resolutions, LLC, Southampton, PA, November, 2012 TAX LIEN COLD CALLER At one time, they "cold called" tax liens. Their BBB record.
123. Attorneys Tax Relief, Chicago, IL, July 2015 - 2021 Phone number and website are down Their BBB record has unresponded to complaints?. Interesting how greed doesn't work in the long run: ATR took a $500 research fee and then charged $20000 to fellow who owed 800k to IRS. We charged $2500 to do his whole case. He was just a working stiff so 20k was an impossible fee.
124. Tax Protection Services, Jun 2015 to 2021, Missoula, MT. Website is down and phone keeps ringing. BBB record pretty dormant.
125. Professional Tax Resolution, Irvine, CA, February 2010 - 2021. Website looks down. Phone number goes nowhere. Their BBB record: HERE. But very good Yelp reviews: Yelp?
Closed in 2022
126. FTB Tax Resolution Services, February 2012, San Marcos, CA. Another tax resolution company that specialized in FTB. BBB record looks in-active: Their "non-accredited" BBB record. Our spam-cognizant software wouldn't let us click on their site. Called # at BBB and some one answered: "This is Rick."
127. A Better Way Tax Services, LLC, Broomfield, Colorado, October 2012.
Dormant and unaccredited at the BBB and Website wasn't working.
128. National Tax Aid, Irvine, CA (1988) but more likely 2014. If your website is flagged as "suspicious," you can't be open, right? Business claims to have been open since 1988: BBB record which probably means there is a licensed tax professional who has been doing it since 1988, but hasn't started marketing for tax resolution clients until recently?
129. Spectrum Tax, Irvine, CA, May 2014. Irvine is a popular town for tax relief companies. Their BBB record: BBB record and and dead website: Not a lot of tax liens during Covid for "TAX LIEN CALLERs" like Spectrum to call.
130. Finish Line Tax Solutions, July 2015, Houston, TX. Kudos to the BBB in Texas who "revoked" these guys accreditation. It's hard to operate with a BBB record like there's? Website is up and phone calls went nowhere? In our experience, they offered a gentleman who owed IRS $6,000 representation services for $1,400. Not sure how they justified that fee. Now we know where that behavior has led the company: dead.
131. Alliance Tax Advocate - Santa Ana, CA - not responding to complaints 2018 to 2022
132. Oxford Tax Partners, July 2015 to October 2022, Chicago, IL. Website: They stopped responding to complaints at the BBB in late September of 2022 - they have 41 complaints at BBB (ten more then previous lookup)and three five one-star reviews at Yelp. Good marketing , bad service. Ho Hum.
Closed in 2023
133. Greenlaw Tax Group, Santa Monica, CA, April 2020. Call us skeptical, but 60 reviews in just one year at their BBB record. Not sure why their BBB rating is "Not Rated?" Three complaints in 2022.
134. OMG Tax/Tax Defense Group, North Highlands, California, July 2011. We have seen OMG Tax advertise on cable TV. Here's a link to their TV ad: OMG Tax - TV ad. Their BBB record has them listed as the Juceam Group as one of the owners: Scott Juceam had a differently named tax resolution company that was folded into OMG Tax. Their "Non-accredited" BBB record.. And their website is:
At one time, Mr. Juceam was entangled in some issues stemming from the closure of his sister's company: the once massively popular: Roni Deutch - the TV Tax Attorney, but according to the BBB, in late 2011, Mr. Juceam resolved all claims connected to Deutch. Good for them and good luck! In 2016, another company was created called Tax Defense Group. This company seems to also be affiliated with Scott Juceam.
135. People's Tax Relief, Boca Raton, FL, June 2014. Hmm, a No Rating - BBB record means they didn't pay for accreditation. Website: Companies with BBB records like this do often end up in the Graveyard of Tax Resolution.
You've reached the bottom of the Dead Tax Relief Company List. Want tax experts of 30 plus years of proven experience to analyze your tax problem? Call WATAX at 1-888-282-4697 or EMAIL us a description of your tax issue and we'll contact you by email/phone.
Closed in 2024
136. Fidelity Tax Relief formerly known as Apex Tax Resolution (dissolved), Irvine or Tustin, CA, June 2011. TAX LIEN MAILER. Company sends out mailers to individuals and business with tax liens - mailing could be mistaken as an actual tax lien. Their F rated BBB record and 1 star average reviews at Yelp was a sign. WE tried phone # it didn't ring.
137. Heartland Tax Solutions or Nova Financial, Jan 2010, Wheat Ridge, CO. TAX LIEN CALLER. BBB record: HERE. We have seen this website template before: PHone didn't ring. BBB Complaints un-responded to.
138. Hurricane Tax, Los Angeles, CA, 2016. TAX LIEN CALLERS. BBB record: 39 BBB complaints in your first three years isn't super good? They quoted $7900.00 fee to someone we quoted for $1950.00. Website is down. Phone calls go nowhere?
139. Nationwide Tax Consulting, June 2015, Pt. St. Lucie, FL and Colorado TAX LIEN CALLER. Apparently these folks have offices in Florida and Colorado. However in 2021, an F rating at the BBB, hmm.... is pretty pretty terrible. They would have to make a 360 degree turn around to survive that? In a pandemic, really only the good and strong survive: Website. In 2022, still F rated. Phone disconnected.
140. NFA Tax Help -- Houston, TX , March 2008. In 2017, the BBB recently punished NFA for claiming to be "accredited": BBB record. Sounds like an easy fix though - just remove "accredited" from website. In 2024, their website is dead.
141. Platinum Tax Defenders, Thousand Oaks, CA , February 2011. Their website is down. Yelp reviews tell some story:
142. Rapid Resolution Tax Group, San Mateo, CA March 2011. Phone doesn't answer. BBB isn't happy with them. You can check out their BBB record and their website.
143. Recovery Tax Relief, Los Angeles, CA, June 2016. Lead generator? Real company? Not sure: nice website: http://www.recoverytaxrelief.c... but F rated BBB record: and don't seem to exist any longer in 2024?
144. Tax Advantage Advisors, New York, NY, March 21, 2021
Client with large tax debt reached out to us for representation after talking to Tax Advantage, who called him due to a tax lien filing. In client's words, "Tax Advantage wants huge fees (ten percent of tax bill owed which includes interest and penalties amounts to $444,000.00 plus)." Client balked at that $44,000 fee and went with WATAX and our $2500 representation fee. Hard to find BBB record. This was a wham bam scam. Short shelf life. Website is dead. TAX LIEN COLD CALLERS
145. American Tax Solutions, LA, CA, 2018 to 2025? Would send "distraint warrant" letter ?
146. Alvin Brown 2000 to 2025? Retired? BBB record
147. Ellis and Ellis , 2009 to 2024? Lien callers BBB record.
148. Compass Tax Group, Broomfield, CO, 2014- 2024? HERE.
149. National Tax Relief, CA 2006 to ? BBB record
150. Madison Tax Group, NYC, 2013 to 2024? BBB record.
151. Honest Tax, Woodland Hills, 2017 to ? Not so honest: BBB record.