State Tax Resolution

When you owe State taxes.

All 50 states have some combination of income or sales tax, and delinquency of these taxes can result in aggressive collection actions. Some state collection agencies are even more aggressive than the IRS! WATAX handles representation for every state.

If you also owe the IRS, state resolution can often be helpful to your case. In 2012, the IRS began to allow for state payments to factor in the calculation of Offer in Compromises. If you both owe IRS and State, we can represent you on both cases so we can make sure that the state case can help the IRS case. Better yet: in some situations, we might do settlements or Offer in Compromises for both IRS and state.

Our customer service and tracking of your case with the state mirrors our IRS representation. Just be sure to get us your latest correspondence with the state so we know who to contact on your case.  

Is 2025 the year to solve your tax issue? WATAX is ready to assist you now. Please call us at 1-888-282-4697 or email us a description of your tax issue and we'll contact you promptly.

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