941 & Business Taxes

Telemarketer Calls After an IRS or State Tax Lien is Filed... Is It Legal?

If you had a very large tax lien filed against you for 1040 or 941 taxes or even a large State tax lien, you will begin to get phone calls from telemarketers from tax resolution companies:

One company you might hear from is Berkshire Capital. You might also hear from 2020 Financial or Omni Financial at (720) 274-1798. (Omni called a client of ours three times in one day.) You might also hear from folks at the Core Consulting Group -- (720) 354-4000. Other callers include telemarketers claiming to be representing an attorney calling from (720) 259-2559 or (888) 589-0955. All of the above companies are based in Colorado.

To quote a client with a large 941 tax issue: "It has been amazing to see how many calls have come in with most of them not leaving a company name or anything other than a message playing on your insecurity around having a tax issue. I actually spoke to two or three of them and said "great please email me your contact info so I can call you if things don’t work out" – surprise.. no one has emailed any info." As we have posted multiple times throughout this blog: unless these telemarketers are licensed tax professionals what they might be doing is ILLEGAL.

According to IRS publication 470: Limited Practice with Enrollment, Section 8.01: Unenrolled preparers (which means anyone in the world besides licensed tax professionals) " shall not make an uninvited solicitation of employment in matters related to the Internal Revenue Service. Solicitations include ...telephone communications. Here's the publication - find it yourself if you like: IRS Publication 470.

We are skeptical that any of telemarketers above are licensed tax professionals. They are highly likely UNENROLLED PREPARERS and according to the IRS what they are doing DIRECTLY VIOLATES what is stated in the IRS publication. You can read a lot more about tax lien telemarketing issues in multiple articles on the blog below:

Is 2025 the year to solve your tax issue? WATAX is ready to assist you now. Please call us at 1-888-282-4697 or email us a description of your tax issue and we'll contact you promptly.

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