941 & Business Taxes

Tax Lien Telemarketing : Reaching New Levels of Abuse - What can you do?

If you have a big tax lien - particularly if you are an open and operating business with 941 tax issues - you should be getting a sizable volume of calls from tax lien telemarketers.

For many reasons, this can be annoying:

1. You are trying to run a business
2. The telemarketers can be "abusive."
3. Many of you have already hired representation to solve the tax matter
4. IT'S ILLEGAL (in most cases)!

Unfortunately: the Do Not Call Registry does NOT include businesses. Only individuals can be put on this list: Do Not Call Registry - Not for Businesses

However - you might want to try the following when these telemarketers call:

1. Ask the telemarketer: What's your business' name? Where are you located? (jot it down).

2. Are you a licensed tax professional? E.A., C.P.A. or Attorney?

(they will probably say:" no , but we have them on staff ").

3. You will say: No? Then what you are doing is ILLEGAL according to Publication 470 of the IRS. Publication 470

Publication 470 - states that non-professionals can not make "uninvited solicitations of employment."

4. If you call again - I will report your company to the IRS - Office of Professional Responsibility - OPR.

P.S. if you are my client or even NOT a client - and you want to file a complaint to the OPR. I know the attorney to send the complaint to. Contact me at 866 525 7302 and I will help you with this process.

We have written extensively on our blog about the practice of cold calling tax liens. While there are some good companies that use this form of marketing (2020 Financial in Colorado comes to mind) - many others do NOT run a good shop.

Here's our previous articles on the tax lien telemarketing phenomena:

Cold Calling Tax Liens: A Mountain Time Phenomenon , January 2011

More on Cold Calling Tax Liens: Misinforming Taxpayers, October 2009

The Legal Case Against Cold Calling Tax Liens, March 2011

Is 2025 the year to solve your tax issue? WATAX is ready to assist you now. Please call us at 1-888-282-4697 or email us a description of your tax issue and we'll contact you promptly.

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