Where are they located?
If you can't find an address - that's troublesome - you might just be dealing with a lead generation site. Here's Washington Tax Service's address on its contact page: Contact Page with Address. Not having your address on a website is really misleading. How can you check them out at the BBB if they don't list what state they're in?
Does their BBB listing work?
Click on their BBB link - does it direct them to the BBB and their rating? Go to the bottom right of the Washington Tax page and click: WATAX website You will find our pristine and A + rated BBB record: BBB record
Who are you hiring - do the people have names? Are they licensed tax professionals?
For example who are these guys? They are Anderson Bradshaw Tax consultantsin Utah. There are no names of any individuals at the site. There are no licensed tax professionals listed on the site. No location listed. Come on guys!
So with Washington Tax Services - 26 years in business - you know EXACTLY who you are hiring: here's are pretty faces right HERE and our licenses to represent taxpayers are ALSO right there for you to see.