Here's some interesting keywords that bring people to our site:
"Notice of Tax Lien Investigation"
This search relates to newer and some older companies method of mailing "Tax Lien Investigation" letters to people/businesses with tax liens. The letters are designed to look like they are from the government. Tax lien mailers are covered here: Tax Lien Mailers and Calls
"Legitimate Tax Resolution companies"
Of course - this is the kind of search that we are proud that leads to our blog. Potential clients love to peruse our list of 165 Tax Resolution Companies -- 165 Tax Resolution companies -- a Survey
"Do tax resolution services work?"
Another favorite query of ours - the simple answer to this is "YES." But one of course wants to make sure he/she doesn't 1. OVERPAY 2. HIRE A FLY-BY-NIGHT COMPANY.
"Costs of IRS representation"
Another good one: I think we are the only tax resolution company to list our fees for everyone to see. Here they are: Fees for Tax Representation