Resolution Success Stories

How Were Tax Problems Resolved? 2013 to 2016 Analysis of Cases

We at Washington Tax Services like to keep score of the outcome of our tax resolution cases - for the ultimate benefit of future customers like you - the reader.

Here's a 2 1/2 year breakdown of IRS "collection" cases that one representative on staff handled (this doesn't include research cases, tax prep cases, state cases and other different type of resolution cases):

Offer in Compromise 173 - Client settled their debt for much less than what they owed.
Currently Not Collectible 116 - Client was given up a "two year vacation" from paying the debt (or longer).
Payment Plan/Penalty Abatement 260 - Client was set up in livable agreement with a several month cushion. A request to waive penalties was made.
OIC (Appeal Only) 3 - Client's OIC was rejected. We appealed it and won.

Total: 552 Cases

Is 2025 the year to solve your tax issue? WATAX is ready to assist you now. Please call us at 1-888-282-4697 or email us a description of your tax issue and we'll contact you promptly.

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