Resolution Success Stories

Cycle of Collections: How long will it take the IRS to pursue you?

We have an interesting case example of a client who owes taxes for tax year 2009.

He knew he was going to owe when he called me in April of this year - before he filed.

He filed on time - April 15th 2010.

He has received three cycles of letters to collect the $31,000 that he owes. The final letter of the cycle came on September 20, 2010: "FINAL NOTICE OF INTENT TO LEVY AND NOTICE OF YOUR RIGHT TO A HEARING."

Our understanding is if the taxpayer ignored this letter he would be levied around the end of October. A levy means a garnishment on his wages or a cleaning out of his bank account.

So, the essence of this post is that it takes the IRS about SIX MONTHS exactly to aggressively collect a new tax debt after it is filed.

Is 2025 the year to solve your tax issue? WATAX is ready to assist you now. Please call us at 1-888-282-4697 or email us a description of your tax issue and we'll contact you promptly.

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