IRS News

10 million non-filers. Who are you guys?

According to recent IRS Tigta data, 150 million individuals filed tax returns, 10 million did not. WATAX, as you know, is focused on serving the non-filing public. So you know you are not alone, here are some common customers who reach out to us to get back into tax compliance:

1. Self-employed. Massage therapists, doctors, stunt-men, truck drivers, landscapers, financial advisors, you-tubers, Uber drivers, psychotherapists, acupuncturists, to name a few. Self-employed clients file six (or more returns) and settle their debts or workout livable agreements. Others, file just the most recent years - one, two or three and pay all taxes and penalties, waiting to see if IRS asks for the older ones.

2. Wage earners (W2). W2ers often focus on the years in which they can get tax refunds (usually the last three or four years depending on the time of year).

3. People whose spouses had recently passed. Having a spouse pass, is traumatic, of course. But also painful is dealing with their final tax compliance. When entering probate, it's really helpful to get a Letter of Testamentary appointing you as his/her executor. This letter will help your accountant at WATAX solve the tax case. The Letter of Testamentary allows you to sign your deceased spouse's Power of Attorney so we can research their records.

Is 2025 the year to solve your tax issue? WATAX is ready to assist you now. Please call us at 1-888-282-4697 or email us a description of your tax issue and we'll contact you promptly.

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